Constant strings

@author: Marco Bonvini

This module defines constant that can be conveniently reached from the other modules.

Examples of constants that are defined are

  • strings used to define the main categories of PyFMI variables that can be managed,
  • strings used to identify data and time in dictionaries that store results of simulations,
  • the solvers supported by PyFMI (LSODAR, RungeKutta34, RodasODE, etc.),
  • the options for the solvers such as absolute and relative tolerances, and verbosity of the logger.
estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.DATA_STRING = 'data'

Keywork that identifies the data in a dictionary that collects multiple simulation results

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.INPUT_STRING = 'Inputs'

String that identifies an input variable

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.OUTPUT_STRING = 'Outputs'

String that identifies an output variable

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.PARAMETER_STRING = 'Parameters'

String that identifies a parameter

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.RESULTS_ON_FILE_STRING = 'file'

String that specifies that simulation results computed by PyFMI should be handled with files

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.RESULTS_ON_HANDLER_STRING = 'custom'

String that specifies that simulation results computed by PyFMI should be handled in a custom way

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.RESULTS_ON_MEMORY_STRING = 'memory'

String that specifies that simulation results computed by PyFMI should be handled in memory

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SIMULATION_OPTION_RESHANDLING_LIST = ['memory', 'file', 'custom']

List containing the different types of result handling available

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SIMULATION_OPTION_RESHANDLING_STRING = 'result_handling'

Keyword that specifies how PyFMI should hanle simulation results

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVERS_NAMES = ['LSODAR', 'RungeKutta34', 'ExplicitEuler', 'ExplicitEuler', 'RodasODE', 'Radau5ODE', 'CVode', 'Dopri5']

List containing the names of the solvers available

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_CVODE_STRING = 'CVode'

String that identifies the CV ODE solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_DOPRI_STRING = 'Dopri5'

String that identifies the Dorman-Price solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_EXPLICITEULET_STRING = 'ExplicitEuler'

String that identifies the explicit euler solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_LSODAR_STRING = 'LSODAR'

String that identifies the LSODAR solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_NAMES_OPTIONS = ['LSODAR_options', 'RungeKutta34_options', 'ExplicitEuler_options', 'ExplicitEuler_options', 'RodasODE_options', 'Radau5ODE_options', 'CVode_options', 'Dopri5_options']

List containing the keywords identifying the options for a specific solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_OPTION_ATOL_STRING = 'atol'

Keywork that identifies the absolute tolerance of a solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_OPTION_RTOL_STRING = 'rtol'

Keywork that identifies the relative tolerance of a solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_OPTION_VERBOSITY_STRING = 'verbosity'

Keyword that identify the verbosity used by the solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_RADAU_STRING = 'Radau5ODE'

String that identifies the Radau 5th order ODE solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_RODASODE_STRING = 'RodasODE'

String that identifies the Rodas ODE solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_RUNGEKUTTA34_STRING = 'RungeKutta34'

String that identifies the Runge Kutta 3-4 explicit solver

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_VERBOSITY_LEVELS = [50, 40, 30, 20, 10]

List with verbosity levels from quiet to scream

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_VERBOSITY_LOUD = 20

Value that identifies the verbosity to be loud

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_VERBOSITY_NORMAL = 30

Value that identifies the verbosity to be normal

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_VERBOSITY_QUIET = 50

Value that identifies the verbosity to be quiet

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_VERBOSITY_SCREAM = 10

Value that identifies the verbosity to be scream

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.SOLVER_VERBOSITY_WHISPER = 40

Value that identifies the verbosity to be whisper

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.TIME_STRING = 'time'

Keywork that identifies time in a dictionary that collects multiple simulation results

estimationpy.fmu_utils.strings.VARIABLE_STRING = 'Variables'

String that identifies a generic variable