Publications and articles


The article titled If buildings could tell us what’s wrong was posted on November 2014 on the LBNL Energy Technologies Area website. The article showcases an application build with EstimationPy. In particular, the application uses EstimationPy to identify faults in buildings and enrergy systems.


This is a list of peer reviewed journal or conference papers that talk about EstimationPy or algorithms and applications that use it.

[5]Comparison and application of different state estimation techniques for control in buildings Mats Vande Cavey, Marco Bonvini, Lieve Helsen In proceedings of Building Simulation Conference, 2015, Hyderabad, India Accepted - to appear
[4]Robust on-line fault detection diagnosis for HVAC components based on nonlinear state estimation techniques Marco Bonvini, Michael D. Sohn, Jessica Granderson, Michael Wetter and Mary Ann Piette - Applied Energy (124) 2014 - p. 156 - 166, ISSN 0306-2619
[3]An FMI-based toolchain for the adoption of model-based FDD Marco Bonvini, Michael Wetter, and Michael D. Sohn - In proceedings of IBPSA/USA Building simulation conference, 2014 - p. 137-144, Atlanta, Georgia U.S.A.
[2]Bridging the Gap Between Simulation and the Real World An Application to FDD Marco Bonvini, Mary Ann Piette, Michael Wetter, Jessica Granderson, Michael D. Sohn In proceedings of ACEEE summer study on energy efficiency in buildings, 2014 - p. 14-25, Asilomar, California U.S.A.
[1]An FMI-based framework for state and parameter estimation Marco Bonvini, Michael Wetter, Michael D. Sohn In proceedings of 10th International Modelica Conference, 2014 - p. 647-656, Lund, Sweden