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This document provides some requirements and recommendations for the development of HVAC system templates to be included in the Modelica Buildings Library (MBL). It is primarily intended for developers and therefore contains some detailed implementation guidelines. For a more conceptual presentation of MBL templates, see Gautier (2023).

Interface Class: What Shall Be Declared?

Outside Connectors Needed by Any Derived Class


All outside connectors must be declared within the interface classwith the suitable conditional instance statements.

(Each class extending an interface class shall not declare any outside connectorit may only conditionally remove inherited connectors.)

This ensures the plug-compatibility of each derived class, and implies a fixed connectivity structure for each instantiated subsystem model, allowing these instances to be connected to each other without worrying about the actual configuration of each subsystem. This applies to connecting components within a template, or connecting templates to each other to create a whole-building model.


How does it comply with the Modelica Language Specification?

Type compatibility:

Each reference is checked, whether it is a valid reference, e.g. the referenced object belongs to or is an instance, where all existing conditional declaration expressions evaluate to true|false, or it is a constant in a package.

So checking that the redeclared component is a subtype of the constraining class is done with all the conditional connectors considered present (even if the redeclared component removes them).

How does it differ from interface classes in the Modelica Buildings Library?

Interface classes are usually implemented with the minimum set of connectors (and other variables) and derived classes extend that set, which ensures type compatibility. See for example:

extends Interfaces.TwoPortHeatMassExchanger(...); // Interface class used by the model
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y(...) // Additional connector not declared in the interface class
"Part load ratio";
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput T(...) // Additional connector not declared in the interface class
"Temperature of the fluid";
Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort // Additional connector not declared in the interface class
"Heat port, can be used to connect to ambient";
extends Interfaces.TwoPortHeatMassExchanger(...); // Interface class used by the model
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput y(...) // Additional connector not declared in the interface class
"Part load ratio";
Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealOutput T(...) // Additional connector not declared in the interface class
"Temperature of the fluid";
Modelica.Thermal.HeatTransfer.Interfaces.HeatPort_a heatPort // Additional connector not declared in the interface class
"Heat port, can be used to connect to ambient";

Both the Parameter Record and Locally Accessible Design Parameters

The parameter record is for propagation of design and operating parameters across the instance tree.

The local design parameter declarations ensure that a standard set of parameters is available in any template or component, for any configuration. (For example, an evaporator coil still has mChiWat_flow_nominal defined with a final assignment to 0.) This way, one can easily compute the sum of a quantity over a set of instances. (For example, the total CHW flow rate over all terminal units.)

Most of the local design parameters have final assignments to the parameters from the record.

final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mAirSup_flow_nominal=
"Supply air mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mAirRet_flow_nominal=
"Return air mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mChiWat_flow_nominal
"Total CHW mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mHeaWat_flow_nominal
"Total HHW mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.HeatFlowRate QChiWat_flow_nominal
"Total CHW heat flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.HeatFlowRate QHeaWat_flow_nominal
"Total HHW heat flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mAirSup_flow_nominal=
"Supply air mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
final parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mAirRet_flow_nominal=
"Return air mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mChiWat_flow_nominal
"Total CHW mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.MassFlowRate mHeaWat_flow_nominal
"Total HHW mass flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.HeatFlowRate QChiWat_flow_nominal
"Total CHW heat flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));
parameter Modelica.Units.SI.HeatFlowRate QHeaWat_flow_nominal
"Total HHW heat flow rate"
annotation (Dialog(group="Nominal condition"));

And the derived class:

extends Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Interfaces.PartialAirHandler(
final mChiWat_flow_nominal=if coiCoo.have_sou then dat.coiCoo.mWat_flow_nominal else 0,
final mHeaWat_flow_nominal=(if coiHeaPre.have_sou then dat.coiHeaPre.mWat_flow_nominal else 0) +
(if coiHeaReh.have_sou then dat.coiHeaReh.mWat_flow_nominal else 0),
final QChiWat_flow_nominal=if coiCoo.have_sou then dat.coiCoo.Q_flow_nominal else 0,
final QHeaWat_flow_nominal=(if coiHeaPre.have_sou then dat.coiHeaPre.Q_flow_nominal else 0) +
(if coiHeaReh.have_sou then dat.coiHeaReh.Q_flow_nominal else 0));
extends Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Interfaces.PartialAirHandler(
final mChiWat_flow_nominal=if coiCoo.have_sou then dat.coiCoo.mWat_flow_nominal else 0,
final mHeaWat_flow_nominal=(if coiHeaPre.have_sou then dat.coiHeaPre.mWat_flow_nominal else 0) +
(if coiHeaReh.have_sou then dat.coiHeaReh.mWat_flow_nominal else 0),
final QChiWat_flow_nominal=if coiCoo.have_sou then dat.coiCoo.Q_flow_nominal else 0,
final QHeaWat_flow_nominal=(if coiHeaPre.have_sou then dat.coiHeaPre.Q_flow_nominal else 0) +
(if coiHeaReh.have_sou then dat.coiHeaReh.Q_flow_nominal else 0));

Both the Configuration Record and Locally Accessible Configuration Parameters

The configuration parameters are declared in the interface class, as is the configuration record cfg which "groups" them into a single object more suitable for propagation.

This record instance is not needed directly within a template class, but rather serves to reduce the number of parameter bindings when using a top-level parameter record (for all HVAC systems) that must access the configuration parameters of each template instance. It can be considered as the "signature" for a given system configuration, accessible within any template.

The instance cfg must be ultimately assigned the final keyword, as it should not be exposed to the user. Contrary to design and operating parameters, the configuration parameters are propagated (with finalbindings) from the component model to the record instance.

replaceable parameter
Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler cfg(
final typ=typ,
final typFanSup=typFanSup,
final typFanRel=typFanRel,
final typFanRet=typFanRet,
final have_souChiWat=have_souChiWat,
final have_souHeaWat=have_souHeaWat)
"Configuration parameters";
parameter Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Types.Configuration typ
"Type of system"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
parameter Boolean have_porRel=
"Set to true for relief (exhaust) fluid port"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration", enable=false));
parameter Boolean have_souChiWat
"Set to true if system uses CHW"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
parameter Boolean have_souHeaWat
"Set to true if system uses HHW"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
inner parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanSup
"Type of supply fan"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
inner parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanRet
"Type of return fan"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
inner parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanRel
"Type of relief fan"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
replaceable parameter
Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.PartialAirHandler cfg(
final typ=typ,
final typFanSup=typFanSup,
final typFanRel=typFanRel,
final typFanRet=typFanRet,
final have_souChiWat=have_souChiWat,
final have_souHeaWat=have_souHeaWat)
"Configuration parameters";
parameter Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Types.Configuration typ
"Type of system"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
parameter Boolean have_porRel=
"Set to true for relief (exhaust) fluid port"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration", enable=false));
parameter Boolean have_souChiWat
"Set to true if system uses CHW"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
parameter Boolean have_souHeaWat
"Set to true if system uses HHW"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
inner parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanSup
"Type of supply fan"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
inner parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanRet
"Type of return fan"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));
inner parameter Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Fan typFanRel
"Type of relief fan"
annotation (Evaluate=true, Dialog(group="Configuration"));

And the derived class:

extends Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Interfaces.PartialAirHandler(
redeclare final Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.VAVMultiZone cfg(
final typCoiHeaPre=coiHeaPre.typ,
final typCoiCoo=coiCoo.typ,
final typCoiHeaReh=coiHeaReh.typ,
final typValCoiHeaPre=coiHeaPre.typVal,
final typValCoiCoo=coiCoo.typVal,
final typValCoiHeaReh=coiHeaReh.typVal,
final typDamOut=secOutRel.typDamOut,
final typDamOutMin=secOutRel.typDamOutMin,
final typDamRet=secOutRel.typDamRet,
final typDamRel=secOutRel.typDamRel,
final typSecOut=secOutRel.typSecOut,
final typCtl=ctl.typ,
final buiPreCon=ctl.buiPreCon,
final stdVen=ctl.stdVen), ...);
extends Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Interfaces.PartialAirHandler(
redeclare final Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Configuration.VAVMultiZone cfg(
final typCoiHeaPre=coiHeaPre.typ,
final typCoiCoo=coiCoo.typ,
final typCoiHeaReh=coiHeaReh.typ,
final typValCoiHeaPre=coiHeaPre.typVal,
final typValCoiCoo=coiCoo.typVal,
final typValCoiHeaReh=coiHeaReh.typVal,
final typDamOut=secOutRel.typDamOut,
final typDamOutMin=secOutRel.typDamOutMin,
final typDamRet=secOutRel.typDamRet,
final typDamRel=secOutRel.typDamRel,
final typSecOut=secOutRel.typSecOut,
final typCtl=ctl.typ,
final buiPreCon=ctl.buiPreCon,
final stdVen=ctl.stdVen), ...);

This allows the top-level parameter record to access all configuration parameters of a VAV instance with a single binding as follows.

outer VAV VAV_1
"Instance of MZVAV model";
parameter Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Data.VAVMultiZone dat_VAV_1(
final cfg=VAV_1.cfg, ...);
outer VAV VAV_1
"Instance of MZVAV model";
parameter Buildings.Templates.AirHandlersFans.Data.VAVMultiZone dat_VAV_1(
final cfg=VAV_1.cfg, ...);

Nested Expandable Connectors

The interface class of the main controller must have protected instances of all sub-buses, and these sub-bus instances must be connected to the corresponding variables from the main control bus as follows:

Buildings.Templates.ChilledWaterPlants.Interfaces.Bus bus
"Plant control bus";
Buildings.Templates.Components.Interfaces.Bus busValChiWatChiIso[nChi]
if typValChiWatChiIso<>Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Valve.None
"Chiller CHW isolation valve control bus";
connect(busValChiWatChiIso, bus.valChiWatChiIso)
Buildings.Templates.ChilledWaterPlants.Interfaces.Bus bus
"Plant control bus";
Buildings.Templates.Components.Interfaces.Bus busValChiWatChiIso[nChi]
if typValChiWatChiIso<>Buildings.Templates.Components.Types.Valve.None
"Chiller CHW isolation valve control bus";
connect(busValChiWatChiIso, bus.valChiWatChiIso)

This is particularly important in the case of array sub-buses. We avoid pre-declaring these sub-buses in the main bus definition because this would require including structural parameters for the array size inside the bus, and thus binding these parameters for each bus instance. Instead, we use instances of sub-buses in the interface class of the controller and the connect statement connect(bus<Component>, bus.<component>) allows Modelica compilers to assign the correct dimensions to bus.<component> (which is not predeclared in the bus definition).


Replaceable Component

No choicesAllMatching annotation is allowed in the Templates package (to maximize support across various Modelica tools). Expand into an explicit choices annotation with proper description strings and the following rules.

Systematically use redeclare replaceable in the choices annotation to allow

  • further redeclaration by the user,
  • visiting the parameter dialog box of the redeclared component (this is Dymola's behavior, although this behavior is automatically enabled if the redeclared component contains replaceable components).

Non-replaceable Component

If a composite component (such as a section) contains replaceable components, or components with configuration parameters that must be exposed, then it must be instantiated with the replaceable keyword so that ctrl-flow generates a parameter dialog for this component, and allows the user to specify the options for the nested components.

This is true even if the type of the composite component is fixed. In this case, the component is still declared as replaceable, but without any choices annotation (e.g., section secOutRel in Templates/AirHandlersFans/


A composite model that we call section is needed whenever there is a hard constraint on the allowed choices for two replaceable components that are on the same composition level.


In the case of a multiple-zone VAV with an air economizer, a return fan should require a modulating relief damper. However, we cannot bind the redeclaration of the damper component to the redeclaration of the return fan component. So we introduce a section Templates.AirHandlersFans.Components.ReliefReturnSection that contains the two components, so that the whole section component can be redeclared with the proper inside fan and damper components.

The interface class for a section must use the same class for the control bus as the one used by the system template. This is different from the base components, which have their own class for the control bus, as is implemented in Templates.Components.Interfaces.Bus. The motivation is to avoid nesting expandable connectors and to allow seamless traversal of the composition levels when connecting signal variables, see for example:

connect(secOutRel.bus, bus); // secOutRel is a section (instance of OutdoorReliefReturnSection)
connect(ctl.bus, bus); // ctl is a controller (instance of G36VAVMultiZone)
connect(secOutRel.bus, bus); // secOutRel is a section (instance of OutdoorReliefReturnSection)
connect(ctl.bus, bus); // ctl is a controller (instance of G36VAVMultiZone)
connect(damRet.bus, bus.damRet); // connection to the damper bus inside the section
connect(damRet.bus, bus.damRet); // connection to the damper bus inside the section
connect(ctl.yRetDamPos, bus.damRet.y); // accessing the damper control variable inside the controller
connect(ctl.yRetDamPos, bus.damRet.y); // accessing the damper control variable inside the controller

Main Controller

Control Section

All control blocks that form the control sequence of a system must be instantiated into one single class that is similar to a section, see for example Templates.AirHandlersFans.Components.Controls.G36VAVMultiZone.

Note that this control section uses the same class for the control bus as the one used by the system template.

In contrast to the CDL implementation of the SOO, we restrict the exposed parameters to the data that are

  • scheduled in design documents by the design engineer, or
  • provided by the testing, adjusting, and balancing contractor, or
  • determined by the control contractor.

See ASHRAE (2021) Section 3 for typical required data.

These parameters are propagated by means of the parameter record.

Control Point Connections

Connect statements between signal (control) variables do not have graphical annotations, as they would visually overload the schematic view. Instead, a dedicated section is used at the top of the equation section.

/* Control point connection - start */
// Inputs from AHU bus
connect(bus.pAirSup_rel, ctl.dpDuc);
connect(bus.TOut, ctl.TOut);
// Inputs from terminal bus
connect(busTer.yReqZonPreRes, reqZonPreRes.u);
connect(busTer.yReqZonTemRes, reqZonTemRes.u);
// Outputs to AHU bus
connect(ctl.yMinOutDam, bus.damOutMin.y);
connect(ctl.y1MinOutDam, bus.damOutMin.y1);
// Outputs to terminal unit bus
connect(TAirSupSet.y, busTer.TAirSupSet);
connect(TAirSup.y, busTer.TAirSup);
/* Control point connection - stop */
/* Control point connection - start */
// Inputs from AHU bus
connect(bus.pAirSup_rel, ctl.dpDuc);
connect(bus.TOut, ctl.TOut);
// Inputs from terminal bus
connect(busTer.yReqZonPreRes, reqZonPreRes.u);
connect(busTer.yReqZonTemRes, reqZonTemRes.u);
// Outputs to AHU bus
connect(ctl.yMinOutDam, bus.damOutMin.y);
connect(ctl.y1MinOutDam, bus.damOutMin.y1);
// Outputs to terminal unit bus
connect(TAirSupSet.y, busTer.TAirSupSet);
connect(TAirSup.y, busTer.TAirSup);
/* Control point connection - stop */

Use the same name for the signal variable and for the component it originates from.

Inside the control section, connections to variables within nested expandable connectors should be done by means of the local instances of sub-buses to guarantee that Modelica compilers assign correct dimensions to these variables. See the example in Gautier (2023) Section 5. See also:

/* Control point connection - start */
connect(busChi.y1ChiWatReq, ctl.uChiWatReq); // as opposed to connect(bus.chi.y1ChiWatReq, ctl.uChiWatReq)
/* Control point connection - start */
connect(busChi.y1ChiWatReq, ctl.uChiWatReq); // as opposed to connect(bus.chi.y1ChiWatReq, ctl.uChiWatReq)

Equipment Status

Most of the component models (such as Templates.Components.Chillers.Compression) compute the status signal using the pre operator applied to the command signal.

An exception are equipment models (such as Fluid.Actuators.Dampers.Exponential) that already provide a status as an output (for example y_actual for actuator and mover models) and use_inputFilter=true. If use_inputFilter=false then y_actual is directly connected to the input signal y, which likely yields an algebraic loop if the control logic uses the equipment status.

Open Issue

Switching to using pre(y) instead of y_actual if use_inputFilter=false is being implemented through #3499.

This convention implies the following requirement for the SOO implementation.

The pre operator should not be applied to the command signal when comparing it with the feedback signal.
See the issue reported at

Parameter Record

All design and operating parameters are declared within a Modelica record class. This record is used to

  • assign design and operating parameter values for all subcomponents,
  • support parameter propagation from a top-level, whole HVAC system parameter record,
  • populate the equipment schedule in the UI.

Implementation Rules

Subrecord with Configuration Parameters

Within the parameter record, all configuration parameters are (only) accessible via an instance of the configuration record cfg. This instance uses the annotation annotation (Dialog(enable=false)) as it should not be exposed to the userand record classes do not allow for protected elements, and this instance cannot be final as it is overridden.


The final override is debatable and the bindings of record instances containing final parameter assignments appear to be under-specified. As a result, the behavior varies across Modelica tools. And even for a given tool, it varies with the constructs being used (such as inheritance or direct definition). Dymola sometimes (see SRF00860858) triggers a "final overriding" error when a record instance contains final bindings and the record itself is propagated from a higher composition level. OCT never yields a warning.

When instantiated within the interface class, the parameter record uses a binding with the local instance of the configuration record, i.e., dat(cfg=cfg). Here again, because this binding will be overridden when propagated dat from a top-level whole-building record, the final keyword must not be used in this binding.

Currently Under Development

Currently, all configuration parameters are included in the master record with a flat structure. Through issue #3500 a subrecord cfg will be introduced and include all configuration parameters. Ongoing template developments should adopt the same construct with a subrecord cfg for configuration parameters.

Parameter Propagation

Parameter propagation is implemented as follows.

  • Configuration parameters are assigned from the component model to the record, and propagated up the instance tree.
  • Design and operating parameters are assigned from the record to the component model, and propagated down the instance tree.

The record for the controller section needs to be instantiated (not extended) in the master record because it requires many configuration parameters (such as typFanSup) that have duplicates in the master record.

At the component level, we instantiate the parameter record as dat and bind (with final) local design and operating parameters to the record elements.


This implementation is similar to the one from Fluid.Chillers.ElectricEIR.

However, other classes such as Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.PartialTwoWayValve extend the parameter class Fluid.Actuators.BaseClasses.ValveParameters to integrate the parameter definitions in a flat structure.

This allows simpler propagation (only the record is passed in) which is agnostic from the parameter structure of the constraining class (for example mWat_flow_nominal is not defined in Templates.Components.Coils.Interfaces.PartialCoil).

Use Only One Nesting Level

If needed, component records must extend (not instantiate) subcomponent records. For example in Templates.Components.Coils.Interfaces.Data:

  • the class cannot extend Templates.Components.Valves.Interfaces.Data because of the colliding declarations of typ,
  • so dpValve_nominal is declared locally and a protected record with the type Templates.Components.Valves.Interfaces.Data is constructed to pass in parameters to the valve component.

Exposed Parameters

Design and Operating Parameters

In addition to the configuration parameters, the record contains all design and operating parameters required

  1. by the sequence of operation for all possible system configurations, see ASHRAE (2021) Section 3,
  2. for sizing equipment models (most of these parameters are already included in 1.).

Modeling and parameters from the "Advanced" dialog tab shall not be included in this record. The record should be viewed as a digital avatar of the manufacturer’s data sheet for a given system, and as such, should only contain equipment and control parameters that HVAC designers are familiar with.

System Tags

System tags are optional parameters that are not used for simulation but nevertheless included in the parameter record of each template to support future workflow automation (e.g., parameterization of a template by means of an external equipment schedule).

parameter String id=""
"System tag"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced"));
parameter String id_souChiWat=""
"CHW supply system tag"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", enable=have_souChiWat));
parameter String id_souHeaWat=""
"HHW supply system tag"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", enable=have_souHeaWat));
parameter String id=""
"System tag"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced"));
parameter String id_souChiWat=""
"CHW supply system tag"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", enable=have_souChiWat));
parameter String id_souHeaWat=""
"HHW supply system tag"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Advanced", enable=have_souHeaWat));

System Schematic

Refer to the specification for the generation of engineering schematics if needed.


Below is an illustration of the kind of schematic (or control diagram) we want to generate, taken from Templates.HeatingPlants.HotWater.Validation.BoilerPlant in branch issue3266_template_HW_plant, using Dymola's feature "Show Component".


Component Icons

Modelica tool support

Currently the SVG graphics integrated using class annotations such as Icon(graphics={Bitmap(fileName=<svg-file-path>, visible=<boolean-expression>)) are

  • not supported by Modelon Impact: ticket open at Modelon#2022042039000931 on the roadmap for the 2023.1 release,
  • not fully supported by OMEdit: most likely due to <boolean-expression> not being evaluated at UI runtime,
  • entirely supported by Dymola >=2022.x.

The master SVG document containing all raw icons provided by Taylor Engineering and used in ASHRAE (2021) is currently located at Resources/Images/Templates/Icons.svg.

Those raw icons must be processed as described below for Inkscape >=1.1 before being used in the icon layers of Modelica classes.


The requirements below stem from the following observations.

  • The Modelica Language Specification specifies type DrawingUnit = Real(final unit="mm").
  • The default icon layer size in Dymola is 200×200200 \times 200 mm ({{-100,-100},{100,100}}). This corresponds to 10×1010 \times 10 cells in the icon view. So one cell corresponds to 20×2020 \times 20 mm.
  • When instantiated, a component has its icon scaled by a factor 1/101/10 in the diagram layer. For example, a Line object with thickness=5 in the icon layer is rendered as a Line object with thickness=0.5 in the diagram layer.
  • When thickness < 0.25, the stroke width remains unchanged in Dymola: so 0.20.2 and 0.10.1 yield the same stroke width.
  • It seems that Dymola handles Bitmap objects as squares, i.e., the objects are scaled by the minimum of the x and y dimensions. Having external SVG files with equal height and width makes it easier to position and scale the graphical objects.
  • Select object, copy to new file.
  • Change stroke color to black and stroke width to 11 mm.
  • Account for 2020 mm for each grid cell in Dymola icon layer.
    • So the default icon layer size of 10×1010 \times 10 cells in Dymola corresponds to a page size of 200×200200 \times 200 mm in Inkscape.
  • For most of the AHU components, lock width/height ratio and change height to 200200 mm.
    • For transducers, 200200 mm is for the probe, 8080 mm is for the sensor casing.
  • For polygons, the different segments will typically not be connected together (gap at each corner), so select each segment with Node tool and use Node functionalities to
    • Convert selected objects to path
    • Join selected nodes
    • For the last corner use Path/Union
  • Text should be in sans-serif with font size of 120120.
    • If needed (typically in case of specific text orientation), select text object and transform to path with Path/Object to Path.
  • Set the page size with the same height and width (typically 200×200200 \times 200 mm) and center icons in the page.
  • Save as Inkscape SVG.

Graphical Primitives

In addition to external SVG files, the schematics may use Modelica graphical primitives with the following conventions.

EquipmentPrimitiveIcon layerDiagram layer
Supply pipe (*)Line, solidThickness 0.50.5Thickness 55
Return pipe (*)Line, dashedThickness 0.50.5Thickness 55
Duct wallLine, solidDefault thickness (0.250.25)Default thickness (0.250.25)
Capillary tube (pressure sensor)Polygon or rectangleDefault thickness (0.250.25), width 1010Default thickness (0.250.25), width 11
Motor shaft (actuator), connection between sensor and transmitterLine, solidDefault thickness (0.250.25)Default thickness (0.250.25)

(*) This should be specified as a graphical annotation to the corresponding connect statement.

Graphical primitives that need to be pruned to generate the system schematic shall use the annotation visible=viewDiagramAll where viewDiagramAll is declared in the template interface class with:

inner parameter Boolean viewDiagramAll=false
"Set to true to view all component icons in diagram view"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Graphics"));
inner parameter Boolean viewDiagramAll=false
"Set to true to view all component icons in diagram view"
annotation (Dialog(tab="Graphics"));

Vendor Specific Annotations

All vendor annotations are hierarchical annotations in the form of "__ctrlFlow" class-modification. Strict camel case formatting is used for any argument in the class modification. No simple annotation in the form of "__ctrlFlow" "_" IDENT is used.

Class Annotations



It is uncanny to use a hierarchical annotation here because __ctrlFlow(template=false) will never be used. Prefer __ctrlFlow_template which is also easier to test for?

Ctrl-flow searches for this annotation and returns a list of files which are then treated as entry points to build the tree of system types. Both packages (corresponding to system types such as Templates.AirHandlersFans) and template classes (such as Templates.AirHandlersFans.VAVMultiZone) shall contain this annotation.

So the file arborescence:

├── AirHandlersFans
│   ├── ...
│   ├── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
│   └── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
├── Components
│   └── ...
├── Data
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── package.order
└── ZoneEquipment
├── ...
├── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
├── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
└── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
├── AirHandlersFans
│   ├── ...
│   ├── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
│   └── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
├── Components
│   └── ...
├── Data
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └── ...
├── package.order
└── ZoneEquipment
├── ...
├── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
├── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation
└── # Contains __ctrlFlow_template annotation

yields the following UI objects:


Currently patched

Currently, (as of the Modelica Buildings Library v10.0.0) this annotation is not included in the Modelica classes but rather patched when preprocessing the Templates package to serve the ctrl-flow app. The necessary refactoring is tracked at #357.

Alternative Approach Discussed With DEPT but Not Implemented

We should rather use a flag indicating that a package (in our case Templates) is to be considered as the "root" for all template URIs, for example: __ctrlFlow(routing="root"). And for each template class (for example Templates.AirHandlersFans.VAVMultiZone): __ctrlFlow(routing="template"). The contract for the template developer will then be that the class URI dictates the explorer tree structure, starting from the "root" package (necessarily unique inside a library). For example, the template Templates.AirHandlersFans.VAVMultiZone with the above annotation would yield the following tree structure.

└── VAVMultiZone
└── VAVMultiZone

Without having to add any annotation to the subpackage Templates.AirHandlersFans. So we would implicitly consider each folder between routing="template" and routing="root" to be a template category (like "Air Handlers and Fans").

Declaration Annotations


Each declaration or extends statement may have a hierarchical annotation "__ctrlFlow" "(" "enable" "=" logical-expression ")" that allows disabling input fields in the ctrl-flow configuration dialog. This is similar to the Modelica annotation Dialog(enable=true|false) but provides additional flexibility and allows disabling all parameter input fields that are brought in by an extends statement.

It takes precedence over the standard annotation Dialog(enable).

Typical use cases include classes from the Modelica Buildings Library that contain definitions of detailed simulation parameters and that are extended to define template components, or package classes used to specify the fluid properties.

Boolean Literal or Expression?

Although only Boolean literals are used in the templates as of commit 675801b669, the expression evaluation engine is invoked when parsing __ctrlFlow(enable...), see So in practice, Boolean expressions could be used.

Code Base

Git Workflow

Each new development should start by branching out from the master branch of the Modelica Buildings Library.

The current development branches are

  • issue1374_template_CHW_final
  • issue3266_template_HW_plant

Code Tags

The development of templates usually requires several iterations with the author of the CDL implementation of the SOO. This takes time. Code tags have proven useful in this context.

We adopt the code tags from PEP 350 to reference issues and feature enhancements directly in the Modelica code base. All tags should include one of the tag names below in all caps, followed by the name, e-mail address, or other identifier of the person with the best context about the problem, and the GH issue number if available. We keep it simple and only use:

  • BUG for what prevents from translating or simulating a model: should prevent merging
  • FIXME for any problematic code not suitable for production: should prevent merging, include PEP 350 TODO under that code tag
  • HACK mainly for workarounds related to Modelica tools' limitations: reference the ticket number from the Modelica tool provider if available
  • RFE for a clearly identified development need (as opposed to an idea)

For example:

// FIXME(AntoineGautier #1913): Should be conditional, depending on have_fanRel.
// FIXME(AntoineGautier #1913): Should be conditional, depending on have_fanRel.

So we can collect all code tags with:

grep -nER '(^|/(\*|/)|<!--|")\s*(BUG|FIXME|HACK|RFE)' Templates/.
grep -nER '(^|/(\*|/)|<!--|")\s*(BUG|FIXME|HACK|RFE)' Templates/.