1. Preamble and Conventions
2. Overview
3. Requirements
3.1. General Description
3.1.1. Main Requirements
3.1.2. Software Compatibility
3.1.3. UI Visual Structure
3.2. High-Level Functionalities
3.3. Modelica-Based Templating
3.3.1. Input Fields
3.3.2. Parameter Dialog Annotations
3.3.3. Vendor-Specific Annotations
3.3.4. Class Manipulation and Workflow
3.4. Standard Streams and Error Logging
3.5. Modelica Export
3.6. Documentation Export
3.6.1. Engineering Schematic
3.6.2. Control Point List
3.6.3. Control Sequence Description
3.7. Licensing
4. Annex
4.1. Using Expandable Connectors in Templates
4.1.1. General Principles
4.1.2. Additional Requirements for the UI in Phase 2
4.2. Main Features of the Expandable Connectors
4.3. Validating the Use of Expandable Connectors
4.4. Validating the Use of Expandable Connector Arrays
4.4.1. Connecting One Central System Model to an Array of Terminal System Models
4.4.2. Connecting an Array of Central System Models to an Array of Terminal System Models
4.4.3. Passing on a Scalar Variable to an Array of System Models
5. Acknowledgments
6. References